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17. General Information
Category:The UniversityThe University of Hong Kong As the oldest local tertiary education institution the University of Hong Kong captures the unique essence of both bygone and contemporary Hong Kong. Established on March 16, 1910 when Sir Frederick Lugard, the then Governor of Hong Kong, laid the foundation stone, the University merges ornate colonial architecture with state-of-the-art laboratories and a progressive attitude to learning and research. The Governance of the University The University of Hong Kong is incorporated under the University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Chapter 1053 of 1964). The Ordinance defines the University’s powers, duties, privileges and constitution. The Ordinance provides…
20. Regulations Governing Students’ Academic Conduct Concerning Assessment
Category:RegulationsThese regulations cover assessments for any degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction or award granted by the University. For the purpose of these regulations, assessments include written examinations; written, practical and oral tests; continuous assessment; submission of any form of work; any other means of assessment as specified by the examiners; and any combination of the above. A student shall not introduce or cause to be introduced into the place of assessment, or remove or cause to be removed therefrom, any documents, materials, devices and items (including but not limited to printed or written matters, blank writing paper, dictionaries,…