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21. Vision and Mission
Vision The University of Hong Kong, Asia’s Global University, delivers impact through internationalization, innovation and interdisciplinarity. It attracts and nurtures global scholars through excellence in research, teaching and learning, and knowledge exchange. It makes a positive social contribution through global presence, regional significance and engagement with the rest of China. Mission The University of Hong Kong will endeavour: To advance constantly the bounds of scholarship, building upon its proud traditions and strengths; To provide a comprehensive education, benchmarked against the highest international standards, designed to develop fully the intellectual and personal strengths of its students, while extending lifelong learning opportunities…
22. Contact Us
THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Founded 1911 (Incorporating the Hong Kong College of Medicine Founded in 1887) Postal Address: Pokfulam, Hong Kong Telephone: (852) 2859 2111 Fax: (852) 2858 2549 Telegraphic Address: University, Hongkong Web Site: Produced by the Publications Unit, Communications and Public Affairs Office, The Registry
23. About Us
The Calendar is an annual chronicle of matters relating to University governance and policy. Printed copies of the Calendar can be obtained from the Communications and Public Affairs Office, while stock lasts. Requests for single copies can be sent to To subscribe to the annual mailing list, please fill in the online subscription form.
24. Named Lectureships and Visiting Professorships
Category:Named Professorships, Named Lectureships and Visiting Professorships25. Named Professorships
Category:Named Professorships, Named Lectureships and Visiting ProfessorshipsThe Endowed Professorships, Presidential Professorships and Outstanding Young Professorships Schemes recognizes exemplary academic excellence, nurtures rising stars and young talents and honours acclaimed scholars. Endowed Professorships Ada M.F. Chan Professorship in Oncological Pathology Albert Bing-Ching Young Professorship in Ophthalmology Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Professorship in Holistic Cancer Care Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Professorship in Nursing Andrew K.F. Lee Professorship in Architecture Design Anthony and Anne Cheung Professorship in Innovative and Minimally Invasive Surgery Bingei and L & T Charitable Foundation Professorship in Dementia Research Bryan Lin Professorship in Paediatric Cardiology Chan To-Haan Professorship in…
28. Teaching Departments Formed by the Senate and Sub-Divisions of Studies and Learning Formed by the Council
TEACHING DEPARTMENTS FORMED BY THE SENATE UNDER STATUTE XXIV IN FACULTIES Architecture Architecture Real Estate and Construction Urban Planning and Design Arts Chinese, School of English, School of Humanities, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, School of Business and Economics Dentistry Education Engineering Civil Engineering Computing and Data Science, School of (jointly established with the Faculty of Science) Data and Systems Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Mechanical Engineering Law Law Professional Legal Education Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Biomedical Sciences, School of Chinese Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacology and Pharmacy Public Health, School…