Abbreviations of Curriculum Titles
Bachelors Degrees
Masters Degrees
Executive Master of Business Administration | EMBA |
Juris Doctor | JD |
Master of Accounting | MAcct |
Master of Advanced Pharmacy | MAP |
Master of Architecture | MArch |
Master of Architecture (Design) | MArch(Design) |
Master of Arts | MA |
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics | MA(AppliedLinguistics) |
Master of Arts in China Development Studies | MAChDS |
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | MA(TESOL) |
Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning | MA(TranspPol&Plan) |
Master of Buddhist Counselling | MBC |
Master of Buddhist Studies | MBuddhStud |
Master of Business Administration | MBA |
Master of Business Administration (International) | IMBA |
Master of Chinese Medicine | MChinMed |
Master of Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion | MChinMed(Acup&Mox) |
Master of Climate Governance and Risk Management | MCGRM |
Master of Clinical Pharmacy | MClinPharm |
Master of Common Law | MCL |
Master of Data Science | MDASC |
Master of Dental Surgery, in dental disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time | |
Master of Economics | MEcon |
Master of Education | MEd |
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy | MExpArtsTh |
Master of Family Wealth Management | MFWM |
Master of Finance | MFin |
Master of Finance in Financial Technology | MFFinTech |
Master of Financial Engineering | MFE |
Master of Fine Arts | MFA |
Master of Geographic Information Systems | MGIS |
Master of Global Management | MGM |
Master of Global Public Policy | MGPP |
Master of Housing Management | MHousMan |
Master of International and Public Affairs | MIPA |
Master of Journalism | MJ |
Master of Journalism, in journalism disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time | |
Master of Landscape Architecture | MLA |
Master of Laws | LLM |
Master of Laws, in law disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time | |
Master of Medical Sciences | MMedSc |
Master of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology | MMDPath |
Master of Nursing | MNurs |
Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice | MN |
Master of Orthodontics | MOrth |
Master of Philosophy | MPhil |
Master of Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) | MPsyMed |
Master of Public Administration | MPA |
Master of Public Administration (International) | IMPA |
Master of Public Health | MPH |
Master of Research | MRes |
Master of Research in Medicine | MRes(Med) |
Master of Science | MSc |
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design | MSc(AAD) |
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence | MSc(AI) |
Master of Science in Audiology | MSc(Audiology) |
Master of Science in Business Analytics | MSc(BA) |
Master of Science in Chinese Medicines | MScChinMeds |
Master of Science in Community Dentistry | MSc(CommunityDent) |
Master of Science in Computer Science | MSc(CompSc) |
Master of Science in Conservation | MSc(Conservation) |
Master of Science in Construction Project Management | MSc(ConstProjectMan) |
Master of Science in Dental Materials Science | MSc(DMS) |
Master of Science in Digital Management of Built Assets | MSc(DMBA) |
Master of Science in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing | MSc(ECom&IComp) |
Master of Science in Engineering | MSc(Eng) |
Master of Science in Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time | |
Master of Science in Environmental Management | MSc(EnvMan) |
Master of Science in Financial Technology and Data Analytics | MSc(FTDA) |
Master of Science in General Dentistry | MSc(GeneralDent) |
Master of Science in Geospatial Data Science | MSc(GeoDS) |
Master of Science in Global Business Management and E-Commerce | MSc(GBM&ECom) |
Master of Science in Implant Dentistry | MSc(ImplantDent) |
Master of Science in Information Technology in Education | MSc(ITE) |
Master of Science in Integrated Project Delivery | MSc(IPD) |
Master of Science in Integrative Marine Ecology and Conservation | MSc(IMEC) |
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Design and Management | MSc(IDM) |
Master of Science in Library and Information Management | MSc(LIM) |
Master of Science in Marketing | MSc(Mktg) |
Master of Science in Nursing | MSc(Nurs) |
Master of Science in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging | MSc(OMFR&DI) |
Master of Science in Real Estate | MSc(RealEst) |
Master of Science in Real Estate Development | MSc(RealEstDev) |
Master of Science in Sports Science | MSc(SportsScience) |
Master of Science in Sustainable Environmental Design | MSc(SED) |
Master of Science in Technology, Design and Leadership for Learning | MSc(TDLL) |
Master of Science in Urban Analytics | MSc(UrbanAnalytics) |
Master of Science in Urban Design and Transport | MSc(UDT) |
Master of Science in Urban Planning | MSc(UrbanPlanning) |
Master of Social Sciences | MSocSc |
Master of Social Service Management | MSSM |
Master of Social Work | MSW |
Master of Statistics | MStat |
Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion | MTCM |
Master of Urban Design | MUrbanDesign |
Master of Urban Studies and Housing Management | MUS&HM |
Doctors Degrees
Doctor of Business Administration | DBA |
Doctor of Education | EdD |
Doctor of Laws | LLD |
Doctor of Legal Science | SJD |
Doctor of Letters | DLitt |
Doctor of Medicine | MD |
Doctor of Nursing | DNurs |
Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Doctor of Psychology | PsyD |
Doctor of Public Administration | DPA |
Doctor of Science | DSc |
Doctor of Social Sciences | DSocSc |
Master of Surgery | MS |
Diplomas and Certificates
Advanced Diploma in Education | AdvDipEd |
Advanced Diploma in Endodontics | AdvDipEndodont |
Advanced Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | AdvDipOMS |
Advanced Diploma in Orthodontics | AdvDipOrth |
Advanced Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry | AdvDipPaediatrDent |
Advanced Diploma in Periodontology | AdvDipPeriodont |
Advanced Diploma in Prosthodontics | AdvDipProsthodont |
Advanced Diploma in Social Work | AdvDip(SocWk) |
Diploma in Architecture | DipArch |
Diploma in Chinese Language | DipChinLang |
Diploma in Pharmacy | DipPharm |
Foundation Diploma in Management | FDipM |
Postgraduate Diploma in Building Services | PDipBS |
Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Health | PDipCAH |
Postgraduate Diploma in Chinese Language Subject Knowledge for Graduate Teachers | PDipCLangSK |
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research Methodology | PDipClinResMethodology |
Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Law | PDipComL |
Postgraduate Diploma in Common Law | PDipCL |
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Geriatrics | PDipCommunityGeriatrics |
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Psychological Medicine | PDipComPsychMed |
Postgraduate Diploma in Conservation | PDip(Conservation) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management | PDip(ConstProjectMan) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing in English | PDipCWEng |
Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Materials Science | PDipDMS |
Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Surgery | PDipDS |
Postgraduate Diploma in Diagnosis and Therapeutics in Internal Medicine | PDipIntMed&Therapeutics |
Postgraduate Diploma in Earth Sciences | PGDES |
Postgraduate Diploma in Education | PGDE |
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering | PDipEng |
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time | |
Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies | PDipES |
Postgraduate Diploma in General Dental Surgery | PDipGDS |
Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems | PDipGIS |
Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases | PDipID |
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law | PDipIT&IPL |
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Law | PDipITL |
Postgraduate Diploma in International Affairs | PDipIA |
Postgraduate Diploma in International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement | PDipArb |
Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism | PDipJ |
Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture | PDLA |
Postgraduate Diploma in Laws | PDipLaws |
Postgraduate Diploma in the Law of the People’s Republic of China | PDipL(PRC) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology | PDipMDPath |
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing | PDipNurs |
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) | PDipPsyMed |
Postgraduate Diploma in Psycho-oncology | PDipPsycho-oncology |
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health | PDipPH |
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law | PDipPubL |
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Computer Science) | PDipSc(CompSc) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing) | PDipSc(ECom&IComp) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Quantity Surveying) | PDipSurv(QuantSurv) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Real Estate Development) | PDipSurv(RealEstDev) |
Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design | PDipUrbanDesign |
Certificate in Chinese Language | CertChinLang |
Certificate in Health Economics | CertHealthEcon |
Certificate in In-Service Education for Teachers | CertINSET |
Certificate in Medical Sciences | CertMedSc |
Certificate in School Counselling and Guidance | CertSCG |
Certificate in Social Study | CertSocSt |
Certificates in engineering subjects, as determined by the Senate from time to time | |
Hong Kong Common Professional Examination Certificate in Laws | HKCPECLL |
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice | PCAP |
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Educational Studies | PCAdvEdStud |
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Research Methodology | PCClinResMethodology |
Postgraduate Certificate in Education | PCEd |
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws | PCLL |
Postgraduate Certificate in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology | PCMDPath |
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) | PCPsyMed |
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology | PCPsych |
Postgraduate Certificate in Psycho-oncology | PCPsycho-oncology |
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health | PCPH |