Abbreviations of Curriculum Titles

Bachelors Degrees

Bachelor of Accounting BAcc
Bachelor of Architecture BArch
Bachelor of Arts BA
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences BASc
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, in disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies BA(ArchStud)
Bachelor of Arts in Conservation BA(Conservation)
Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies BA(LS)
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies BA(HDT)
Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies BA(UrbanStud)
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences BBiomedSc
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance BBA(Acc&Fin)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics BBA(ADA)
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management BBA(IBGM)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics) BBA(BA)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems) BBA(IS)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) BBA(Law)
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine BChinMed
Bachelor of Cognitive Science BCogSc
Bachelor of Criminal Justice BCJ
Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS
Bachelor of Economics BEcon
Bachelor of Economics and Finance BEcon&Fin
Bachelor of Education BEd
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education BEd(ECE&SE)
Bachelor of Education in Language Education BEd(LangEd)
Bachelor of Education in Primary Education BEd(PrimaryEd)
Bachelor of Engineering BEng
Bachelor of Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Bachelor of Finance BFin
Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking BFin(AMPB)
Bachelor of Housing Management BHousMan
Bachelor of Journalism BJ
Bachelor of Laws LLB
Bachelor of Management Studies BMS
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery MBBS
Bachelor of Nursing BNurs
Bachelor of Pharmacy BPharm
Bachelor of Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine BPharm(ChinMed)
Bachelor of Psychology BPsych
Bachelor of Science BSc
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science BSc(ActuarSc)
Bachelor of Science in Applied Child Development BSc(ACD)
Bachelor of Science in Applied Medical Sciences BSc(ApplMedSc)
Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics BSc(Bioinformatics)
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences BSc(BiomedSc)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science BSc(CompSc)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Systems BSc(CSIS)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies BSc(CompStud)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering BSc(Eng)
Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health BSc(Exercise&Health)
Bachelor of Science in Information Management BSc(IM)
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology BSc(MAT)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Studies BSc(NursStud)
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance BSc(QFin)
Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying BSc(QS)
Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences BSc(Sp&HearSc)
Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology BSc(SLP)
Bachelor of Science in Sports Science and Leisure Management BSc(SSLM)
Bachelor of Science in Surveying BSc(Surv)
Bachelor of Social Sciences BSocSc
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) BSocSc(Govt&Laws)
Bachelor of Social Work BSW
Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine BTCM

Masters Degrees

Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA
Juris Doctor JD
Master of Accounting MAcct
Master of Advanced Pharmacy MAP
Master of Architecture MArch
Master of Architecture (Design) MArch(Design)
Master of Arts MA
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics MA(AppliedLinguistics)
Master of Arts in China Development Studies MAChDS
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA(TESOL)
Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning MA(TranspPol&Plan)
Master of Buddhist Counselling MBC
Master of Buddhist Studies MBuddhStud
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Business Administration (International) IMBA
Master of Chinese Medicine MChinMed
Master of Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion MChinMed(Acup&Mox)
Master of Climate Governance and Risk Management MCGRM
Master of Clinical Pharmacy MClinPharm
Master of Common Law MCL
Master of Data Science MDASC
Master of Dental Surgery, in dental disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Economics MEcon
Master of Education MEd
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy MExpArtsTh
Master of Family Wealth Management MFWM
Master of Finance MFin
Master of Finance in Financial Technology MFFinTech
Master of Financial Engineering MFE
Master of Fine Arts MFA
Master of Geographic Information Systems MGIS
Master of Global Management ­ MGM
Master of Global Public Policy MGPP
Master of Housing Management MHousMan
Master of International and Public Affairs MIPA
Master of Journalism MJ
Master of Journalism, in journalism disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Landscape Architecture MLA
Master of Laws LLM
Master of Laws, in law disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Medical Sciences MMedSc
Master of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology MMDPath
Master of Nursing MNurs
Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice MN
Master of Orthodontics MOrth
Master of Philosophy MPhil
Master of Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) MPsyMed
Master of Public Administration MPA
Master of Public Administration (International) IMPA
Master of Public Health MPH
Master of Research MRes
Master of Research in Medicine MRes(Med)
Master of Science MSc
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design MSc(AAD)
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence MSc(AI)
Master of Science in Audiology MSc(Audiology)
Master of Science in Business Analytics MSc(BA)
Master of Science in Chinese Medicines MScChinMeds
Master of Science in Community Dentistry MSc(CommunityDent)
Master of Science in Computer Science MSc(CompSc)
Master of Science in Conservation MSc(Conservation)
Master of Science in Construction Project Management MSc(ConstProjectMan)
Master of Science in Dental Materials Science MSc(DMS)
Master of Science in Digital Management of Built Assets MSc(DMBA)
Master of Science in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing MSc(ECom&IComp)
Master of Science in Engineering MSc(Eng)
Master of Science in Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Science in Environmental Management MSc(EnvMan)
Master of Science in Financial Technology and Data Analytics MSc(FTDA)
Master of Science in General Dentistry MSc(GeneralDent)
Master of Science in Geospatial Data Science MSc(GeoDS)
Master of Science in Global Business Management and E-Commerce MSc(GBM&ECom)
Master of Science in Implant Dentistry MSc(ImplantDent)
Master of Science in Information Technology in Education MSc(ITE)
Master of Science in Integrated Project Delivery MSc(IPD)
Master of Science in Integrative Marine Ecology and Conservation MSc(IMEC)
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Design and Management MSc(IDM)
Master of Science in Library and Information Management MSc(LIM)
Master of Science in Marketing MSc(Mktg)
Master of Science in Nursing MSc(Nurs)
Master of Science in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging MSc(OMFR&DI)
Master of Science in Real Estate MSc(RealEst)
Master of Science in Real Estate Development MSc(RealEstDev)
Master of Science in Sports Science MSc(SportsScience)
Master of Science in Sustainable Environmental Design MSc(SED)
Master of Science in Technology, Design and Leadership for Learning MSc(TDLL)
Master of Science in Urban Analytics MSc(UrbanAnalytics)
Master of Science in Urban Design and Transport MSc(UDT)
Master of Science in Urban Planning MSc(UrbanPlanning)
Master of Social Sciences MSocSc
Master of Social Service Management MSSM
Master of Social Work MSW
Master of Statistics MStat
Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion MTCM
Master of Urban Design MUrbanDesign
Master of Urban Studies and Housing Management MUS&HM

Doctors Degrees

Doctor of Business Administration DBA
Doctor of Education EdD
Doctor of Laws LLD
Doctor of Legal Science SJD
Doctor of Letters DLitt
Doctor of Medicine MD
Doctor of Nursing DNurs
Doctor of Philosophy PhD
Doctor of Psychology PsyD
Doctor of Public Administration DPA
Doctor of Science DSc
Doctor of Social Sciences DSocSc
Master of Surgery MS

Diplomas and Certificates

Advanced Diploma in Education AdvDipEd
Advanced Diploma in Endodontics AdvDipEndodont
Advanced Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery AdvDipOMS
Advanced Diploma in Orthodontics AdvDipOrth
Advanced Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry AdvDipPaediatrDent
Advanced Diploma in Periodontology AdvDipPeriodont
Advanced Diploma in Prosthodontics AdvDipProsthodont
Advanced Diploma in Social Work AdvDip(SocWk)
Diploma in Architecture DipArch
Diploma in Chinese Language DipChinLang
Diploma in Pharmacy DipPharm
Foundation Diploma in Management FDipM
Postgraduate Diploma in Building Services PDipBS
Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Health PDipCAH
Postgraduate Diploma in Chinese Language Subject Knowledge for Graduate Teachers PDipCLangSK
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research Methodology PDipClinResMethodology
Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Law PDipComL
Postgraduate Diploma in Common Law PDipCL
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Geriatrics PDipCommunityGeriatrics
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Psychological Medicine PDipComPsychMed
Postgraduate Diploma in Conservation PDip(Conservation)
Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management PDip(ConstProjectMan)
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing in English PDipCWEng
Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Materials Science PDipDMS
Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Surgery PDipDS
Postgraduate Diploma in Diagnosis and Therapeutics in Internal Medicine PDipIntMed&Therapeutics
Postgraduate Diploma in Earth Sciences PGDES
Postgraduate Diploma in Education PGDE
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering PDipEng
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies PDipES
Postgraduate Diploma in General Dental Surgery PDipGDS
Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems PDipGIS
Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases PDipID
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law PDipIT&IPL
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Law PDipITL
Postgraduate Diploma in International Affairs PDipIA
Postgraduate Diploma in International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement PDipArb
Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism PDipJ
Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture PDLA
Postgraduate Diploma in Laws PDipLaws
Postgraduate Diploma in the Law of the People’s Republic of China PDipL(PRC)
Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology PDipMDPath
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing PDipNurs
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) PDipPsyMed
Postgraduate Diploma in Psycho-oncology PDipPsycho-oncology
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health PDipPH
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law PDipPubL
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Computer Science) PDipSc(CompSc)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing) PDipSc(ECom&IComp)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Quantity Surveying) PDipSurv(QuantSurv)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Real Estate Development) PDipSurv(RealEstDev)
Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design PDipUrbanDesign
Certificate in Chinese Language CertChinLang
Certificate in Health Economics CertHealthEcon
Certificate in In-Service Education for Teachers CertINSET
Certificate in Medical Sciences CertMedSc
Certificate in School Counselling and Guidance CertSCG
Certificate in Social Study CertSocSt
Certificates in engineering subjects, as determined by the Senate from time to time
Hong Kong Common Professional Examination Certificate in Laws HKCPECLL
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice PCAP
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Educational Studies PCAdvEdStud
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Research Methodology PCClinResMethodology
Postgraduate Certificate in Education PCEd
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws PCLL
Postgraduate Certificate in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology PCMDPath
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies) PCPsyMed
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology PCPsych
Postgraduate Certificate in Psycho-oncology PCPsycho-oncology
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health PCPH