Diary 2023-2024

First semester begins

Architecture except MArch(Design) and PDLA;  Arts except MA in the fields of Chinese Language and Literature, and Creative Communications, and MFA;  Business and Economics — BBA, BBA(Acc&Fin), BBA(ADA), BBA(BA), BBA(IBGM), BBA(Law)&LLB, BEcon, BEcon&Fin, BFin(AMPB), BSc(MAT) and BSc(QFin);  Dentistry — BDS;  Education — BA&BEd(LangEd), BASc(SDS), BEd(ECE&SE), BEd&BSc, BSc(ACD), BSc(IM), BSc(SLP), MEd, MSc(Audiology), PGDE and PGDE (P/T);  […]