Regulations Governing Halls and Flats
H 1 General
(a) For the purpose of these Regulations, ‘Halls’ means all Halls maintained by the University, both residential and non-residential, and Ricci Hall and St. John’s College.
(b) A student of the University, whether a member of a Hall or not, shall comply with these Regulations, with any Hall rules made under these Regulations, and with any reasonable order of the Warden relating to these Regulations, the Hall rules, the statutes and the General Regulations of the University.
H 2 Administration and Hall rules
(a) The Warden shall be responsible for the administration of the Hall in addition to his pastoral functions.
(b) The Warden may make such rules additional to these Regulations as may appear to him to be necessary for the maintenance of good order and discipline in the Hall. These rules shall be effective from the time of their posting on the principal noticeboard of the Hall; shall be formally communicated by the Warden within twenty-four hours of posting to the Committee of the Hall Association as defined in H 3; and shall be subject to subsequent approval by the relevant Senate Committee.
H 3 The Hall association
(a) In each Hall there shall be a Hall association, the members of which shall be all the members of the Hall, resident and non-resident.
(b) The Constitution of the Hall association and amendments thereto shall be subject to the approval of the Warden.
(c) The members of the association shall elect a committee from among their numbers in accordance with the Constitution.
H 4 Hall admission
(a) Application for membership of a Hall shall be made in the manner prescribed by the University. Provision of false information in the application may lead to disqualification of the application and either the imposition of a fine not exceeding $100 by the Registrar, or referral to the Disciplinary Committee.
(b) The Warden shall, in accordance with regulations and procedures approved by the Senate or its Committee, admit students to membership of his Hall as resident or non-resident members for one residential year, or for such shorter period as he may decide.
(c) The Warden of a Hall may permit any student to reside in the Hall outside the residential year, on advance payment of the prescribed charge, subject to conditions and procedures specified by the University.
(d) No student shall be permitted to be a member of more than one Hall at a time.
(e) A member of a Hall who wishes to apply for transfer to membership of another Hall shall seek prior approval of the Warden of the Hall of which he is currently a member.
H 5 Payment of Hall charges
In accordance with the General Regulations, each member of a University-maintained residential or non-residential Hall shall pay his Hall charges in advance. Members of Ricci Hall or St. John’s College shall pay such charges and in the manner prescribed by the Hall or College.
H 6 Privileges of Hall membership
A member of a Hall who has paid all appropriate Hall charges or who has been permitted to make a deferred payment of these, shall, subject to the provisions of H 9(e) and (f), be entitled to
(a) all the rights, privileges and benefits attached to membership of the Hall;
(b) if a resident member, reside in the Hall during the residential year;
(c) if a non-resident member of a residential Hall, enter and remain in the Hall during such times as the Warden may prescribe.
H 7 General conditions of Hall membership
(a) A member of a Hall shall
- (i) comply with any reasonable order of the Warden;
- (ii) attend Hall High Table dinners, other official Hall functions and any meetings or interviews to which he has been summoned by the Warden unless his absence has been authorized by the Warden;
- (iii) make good or pay for any damage to furniture, fittings and the fabric of the Hall for which he is responsible, fair wear and tear excepted;
- (iv) observe the directions of the Warden as to those areas of the Hall to which members are not permitted access.
(b) A member of a Hall shall not
- (i) bring onto the Hall premises, or, if a resident member in a residential Hall, permit to be brought into his room
- (1) any dangerous drug as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134) and contrary to that Ordinance;
- (2) intoxicating liquor, except with the permission of the Warden;
- (3) electrical appliances of any kind, except with the permission of the Warden;
- (4) any bird, animal or pet;
- (ii) engage in any gambling whatsoever on the Hall premises, or, in a residential Hall, permit such gambling to take place in his room;
- (iii) interfere with existing fittings, or install new utilities or fittings, without the permission of the Warden.
H 8 Visitors
(a) Hall members may invite visitors to the Hall subject to Hall rules.
(b) A visitor will be permitted to stay overnight in a residential Hall only in exceptional circumstances and provided that
- (i) the prior permission of the Warden or the duty Tutor has been obtained;
- (ii) payment of a prescribed charge has been made.
(c) A member of a Hall who invites a visitor shall be responsible for
- (i) the conduct of the visitor while he is on the Hall premises;
- (ii) any charges incurred by the visitor.
(d) A warden may prohibit any visitor or any other person not being a member of the Hall from entering the Hall, ask him to leave the premises at any time, or permit him to remain on the premises beyond the time laid down for the departure of guests from the Hall.
H 9 Discipline
A Warden may
(a) make a complaint pursuant to Statute XXXI in respect of an alleged disciplinary offence;
(b) confiscate any electrical appliance brought into the Hall by a member without permission, or any sound or vision reproduction equipment brought into the Hall with permission but used in such a way as to disturb other members of the Hall, and retain it until the end of the residential year;
(c) impose on any member of the Hall or any other current student of this University a fine not exceeding $300 in respect of a breach of any of these Regulations (unless otherwise specified therein) or of Hall rules;
(d) impose a fine not exceeding $300 per day on
- (i) a student who is not a member of the Hall and who is found in the Hall without prior permission after the time laid down by the Warden for the departure of guests from the Hall;
- (ii) a student, whether or not a member of the Hall, who has not been permitted to reside but who does reside outside the residential year;
(e) suspend a student with immediate effect from membership of the Hall for a period not exceeding fourteen days;
(f) terminate, upon giving one week’s notice, a membership of the Hall, in which case the student may request the Committee of the Hall Association to request the Warden to communicate to him all the circumstances relating to the termination of membership.
H 10 Withdrawal from residence
A resident member of a Hall may withdraw from residence by giving not less than 7 days’ notice to the Warden. The Warden, at his discretion, and taking account of the date from which the vacancy is likely to be filled by another student, may approve the reimbursement (or remission) of charges paid by (or due from) the student, from a date not earlier than the end of the 7-day notice period.
The Clinical Students’ Residence
Conditions for residence in the Clinical Students’ Residence may be obtained from the Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.
F 1 General
(a) For the purpose of these Regulations, ‘student flats’ means all student flats managed and maintained by the University at No. 6, Sassoon Road.
(b) A student of the University, whether a resident of a flat or not, shall comply with these Regulations, with any rules made under these Regulations, and with any reasonable order of the Dean of Student Affairs or his representative relating to these Regulations, the flat rules, the statutes and the General Regulations of the University.
F 2 Administration and flat rules
(a) The Dean of Student Affairs shall be responsible through his staff for the administration of the flats.
(b) The Dean of Student Affairs may make such rules additional to these Regulations as may appear to him to be necessary for the maintenance of good order and discipline in the flats. These rules shall be effective from the time of their posting on the principal noticeboard for the flats; shall be formally communicated by the Dean of Student Affairs within twenty-four hours of posting to individual flats; and shall be subject to subsequent approval by the relevant Senate Committee.
F 3 Flat admission
(a) Application for residence in a flat shall be made in the manner prescribed by the University. Provision of false information in the application may lead to disqualification of the applicant and either the imposition of a fine not exceeding $100 by the Registrar, or referral to the Disciplinary Committee.
(b) The Dean of Student Affairs shall, in accordance with regulations and procedures approved by the Senate or its Committee, admit students to residence in a flat for one residential year of 350 days, or for such shorter period as he may decide.
(c) The Dean of Student Affairs may permit any student to reside in the flat outside the residential year, on advance payment of the prescribed charge, subject to conditions and procedures specified by the University.
(d) No student shall be permitted to be a resident member of a Hall and a resident of a flat at the same time.
F 4 Payment of flat charges
In accordance with the General Regulations, each resident of a flat shall pay his flat charges in advance.
F 5 Privileges of flat residents
A resident of a flat who has paid all appropriate flat charges or who has been permitted to make a deferred payment of these, shall, subject to the provisions of F 8(e) and (f), be entitled to
(a) all the rights, privileges and benefits attached to residence in the flat;
(b) reside in the flat during the residential year.
F 6 General conditions of flat residence
(a) A resident of a flat shall
- (i) comply with any reasonable order of the Dean of Student Affairs;
- (ii) attend any meetings or interviews to which he has been summoned by the Dean of Student Affairs or staff acting on his behalf;
- (iii) make good or pay for any damage to, or loss of, furniture, fittings and the fabric of the flat for which he is responsible, fair wear and tear excepted.
(b) A resident of a flat shall not
- (i) bring into the flat, or permit to be brought into his flat
- (1) any dangerous drug as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134) and contrary to that Ordinance;
- (2) intoxicating liquor, except with the permission of the Dean of Student Affairs;
- (3) any bird, animal or pet;
- (4) any form of heater or air-conditioning equipment;
- (ii) bring into the study-bedroom or permit to be brought into his study-bedroom, hot rings, slow cookers, toasters, or any form of cooking equipment;
- (iii) engage in any gambling whatsoever in the flat, or, permit such gambling to take place in the flat;
- (iv) interfere with existing fittings, or install new utilities or fittings, without the permission of the Dean of Student Affairs.
F 7 Visitors
(a) Flat residents may invite visitors to the flat subject to flat rules.
(b) A visitor will be permitted to stay overnight in a flat only provided that
- (i) the prior permission of the Dean of Student Affairs or of a staff member acting on his behalf has been obtained;
- (ii) payment of a prescribed charge has been made.
(c) A flat resident who invites a visitor shall be responsible for
- (i) the conduct of the visitor while he is in the flat;
- (ii) any charges incurred by the visitor.
(d) The Dean of Student Affairs may prohibit any visitor or any other person not being a resident of the flat from entering the flat, ask him to leave the flat at any time, or permit him to remain in the flat beyond the time laid down for the departure of guests from the flat.
F 8 Discipline
The Dean of Student Affairs may
(a) make a complaint pursuant to Statute XXXI in respect of an alleged disciplinary offence;
(b) confiscate any form of heater or air-conditioning equipment brought into the flat or any form of coking equipment brought into the study-bedroom by a resident, or any sound or vision reproduction equipment brought into the flat but used in such a way as to disturb other residents of the flats, and retain it until the end of the residential year;
(c) impose on any resident of the flats or any other current student of this University a fine not exceeding $300 in respect of a breach of any of these Regulations (unless otherwise specified therein) or of flat rules;
(d) impose a fine not exceeding $300 per day on
- (i) a student who is not a resident of the flat and who is found in the flat without prior permission after the time laid down by the Dean of Student Affairs for the departure of guests from the flat;
- (ii) a student, whether or not a resident of the flat, who has not been permitted to reside but who does reside outside the residential year;
(e) suspend a student with immediate effect from residence in a flat for a period not exceeding fourteen days;
(f) terminate, upon giving one week’s notice, residence in the flat, in which case the student may request the executive committee of the Students’ Union to request the Dean of Student Affairs to communicate to him all the circumstances relating to the termination of residence.