University Ordinance and Statutes
To repeal and replace the University Ordinance 1911.
1. Short title
This Ordinance may be cited as the University of Hong Kong Ordinance.
2. Interpretation
(1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires —
“Chancellor” means the Chancellor of the University and also any person acting as Chancellor of the University by virtue of section 12(3);
“Court”, “Council”, “Senate” and “Convocation” respectively mean the Court, the Council, the Senate and Convocation of the University;
“officers” and “teachers” respectively mean the officers and teachers of the University;
“Pro-Chancellor” means the Pro-Chancellor of the University;
“statutes” means the statutes of the University;
“University” means the University of Hong Kong;
“Vice-Chancellor”, “Deputy Vice-Chancellor”, “Pro-Vice-Chancellors”, “Treasurer”, “Deans of Faculties”, “Registrar” and “Librarian” respectively mean the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Treasurer, Deans of Faculties, Registrar and Librarian of the University.
(2) For the purposes of this Ordinance, “good cause”, when used with reference to removal from office, membership or place and with reference to such of the members of the University and of the officers and teachers as shall be designated by the Ordinance and statutes, means inability to perform efficiently the duties of the office, neglect of duty, or such misconduct, whether in an official or a private capacity, as renders the holder unfit to continue in office.
3. [Repealed]
4. Incorporation
Notwithstanding the repeal of the University Ordinance 1911, the University shall continue in being with the name and style of “The University of Hong Kong”, by which name the members of the University as defined from time to time by Statute IV of the statutes shall constitute one body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, and with full power by and in such name to sue and be sued, and to take by gift or otherwise, purchase and hold, grant, demise or otherwise dispose of real or personal estate, and with the other powers conferred by, under or by virtue of this Ordinance.
5. Form of contracts
(1) Contracts on behalf of the University may be made as follows —
(a) a contract which, if made between private persons, would be required by law to be in writing under seal, may be made on behalf of the University in writing under the common seal of the University;
(b) a contract which, if made between private persons, would be required by law to be in writing, and signed by the parties to be charged therewith, may be made on behalf of the University in writing signed by any person acting under the express or implied authority of the Council;
(c) a contract which, if made between private persons would be valid by law, although made by parole only and not reduced into writing, may be made, by parole on behalf of the University by any person acting under the express or implied authority of the Council.
(2) A contract made according to this section shall be effectual in law and shall bind the University and its successors and all other parties thereto.
(3) A contract made according to this section may be varied or discharged in the same manner in which it is authorized by this section to be made.
(4) Instruments under seal made on behalf of the University, sealed with the common seal of the University, signed by the Chancellor or Pro-Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor or Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Treasurer and countersigned by the Registrar shall be deemed to be duly executed.
6. Dividends prohibited
No dividend or bonus shall be paid and no gift or division of money shall be made by or on behalf of the University to or among any of its members except by way of prize, reward, or special grant.
7. Court, Council and Senate, their constitutions, powers and duties
(1) There shall be a Court, a Council and a Senate whose respective constitutions, powers, and duties shall be prescribed by this Ordinance and the statutes.
(2) The Court shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the statutes, be the supreme advisory body of the University.
(3) The Council shall be the supreme governing body of the University, and shall provide for the custody and use of the University seal, and subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the statutes, the Council may exercise all the powers and is to perform all the duties of the University other than those vested or imposed by this Ordinance or the statutes in some other authority of the University or in an officer.
(4) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the statutes, and to the financial control of the Council, the Senate shall have the regulation of all matters relating to education in the University.
(5) No act or resolution of the Court, the Council, or the Senate shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in, or any want of qualification by or invalidity in the election or appointment of any member of, any such body.
8. Faculties and Institutes
(1) There shall be Faculties of Arts, Social Sciences, Science, Medicine, Engineering, and such other Faculties as may be constituted by the Court on the recommendation of the Council and the Senate. In the Faculty of Arts due provision shall be made for the study of the Chinese language and literature.
(2) There shall be a Board and a Dean of each Faculty with such powers respectively as may be prescribed by this Ordinance and the statutes.
(3) The Council may, on the recommendation of the Senate, form, dissolve or reform such institutes, schools, centres, units and other sub-divisions of studies and learning as it may from time to time consider desirable.
9. Convocation
(1) There shall be a Convocation whose constitution, powers and privileges shall be as prescribed by the statutes.
(2) Convocation shall have such and so many representatives in the Court and on such conditions as may be prescribed by the statutes.
10. Honorary Degrees Committee
For the purpose of advising the Chancellor with regard to the award of honorary degrees, there shall be an Honorary Degrees Committee which shall consist of such persons as shall be provided by the statutes.
11. Committees generally
(1) The Court, the Council, the Senate, and the Board of any Faculty respectively may establish such committees as they think fit.
(2) Unless otherwise expressly provided, any committee may consist partly of persons who are not members of the Court, the Council, the Senate or the Board of any Faculty, as the case may be.
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the statutes, the Court, the Council, the Senate, and the Board of any Faculty respectively may, with or without restrictions or conditions as they think fit, delegate any of their powers and duties to any committee.
12. Officers and teachers, their appointment, powers, duties and emoluments
(1) The officers shall be the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Treasurer, the Deans of the Faculties, the Registrar, the Librarian, and such other persons as may be designated as officers by the statutes.
(2) The Chancellor shall be the chief officer of the University.
(3) The Chief Executive shall be the Chancellor. In the absence of the Chief Executive the person for the time being assuming the duties of the Chief Executive according to the provisions of Article 53 of the Basic Law shall be the Acting Chancellor, and as such shall have all the powers and duties of the Chancellor.
(4) The Chancellor may appoint a person to be the Pro-Chancellor of the University. The Pro-Chancellor shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by the statutes. In the absence of the Pro-Chancellor, the Chancellor may appoint a person to act as Pro-Chancellor. The person so appointed may exercise all or any of the powers, perform all or any of the duties, and have such of the privileges of the Pro-Chancellor as the Chancellor may determine.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal academic and administrative officer of the University.
(6) The Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Treasurer, the Registrar, the Librarian, and the other officers designated as such by the statutes shall be appointed by the Council in accordance with the statutes, and the Council shall not terminate any such appointment except where after due enquiry into the facts there exists in the opinion of the Council good cause for such termination.
(7) If, by reason of an amendment to the statutes, an officer ceases to be designated as such, he shall nevertheless continue to be entitled to the protection, with respect to the termination of his appointment, conferred by subsection (6).
(8) The Deans of the Faculties shall be appointed in accordance with the statutes.
*(9) The teachers are the Chairs, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of the University, and such other persons as may be designated as teachers by the statutes. The teachers are to be appointed by the Council on such terms as it thinks fit. The Council shall not terminate the appointment of any teacher except where after due enquiry into the facts and after receiving the advice of the Senate on the findings of such enquiry there exists in the opinion of the Council good cause for such termination.
(10) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (6) and (9), any officer or teacher —
(a) who is appointed after or continued in employment beyond a retiring age determined by the Council; or
(b) whose employment is temporary, part-time or for a fixed term,
may be removed from office in accordance with the terms of his contract of service or on any other lawful grounds, without any reason for such removal being assigned.
(11) An appeal shall lie to the Chancellor from any decision of the Council to terminate the appointment of any officer or teacher.
(12) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section, the Council may appoint one or more Pro-Vice-Chancellors to exercise such powers and perform such duties as the Council may direct.
(13) During any period when the office of Vice-Chancellor is vacant or the Vice-Chancellor is absent from Hong Kong or is for any other reason prevented from or incapable of performing the functions of his office, those functions shall, unless the Council otherwise directs, be performed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, or, failing him, by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor who is currently in Hong Kong and who has then held the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the longest continuous period.
(14) The powers and duties of the officers and teachers, the periods and conditions for and upon which they hold office and their emoluments shall be such as are prescribed by this Ordinance, the statutes, and the terms of their respective appointments; but the Council may assign to any officer or teacher, subject in the case of the Chancellor to his consent, such further powers and duties as it may think fit.
(15) The contract of service or employment of any member of the staff of the University who is not an officer or teacher may be determined in accordance with the terms of his contract of service or employment, or on any other lawful grounds, without any reason for such termination being assigned.
* For the transitional provision relating to the amendments made by the University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Ordinance 2011 (20 of 2011), see section 5 of the Amendment Ordinance, as below:
(1) The Council must not terminate the appointment of a person who was a teacher and entitled to the protection against termination of appointment described in section 12(9) of the University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1053) immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance except where after due enquiry into the facts and after receiving the advice of the Senate on the findings of such enquiry there exists in the opinion of the Council good cause for such termination.
(2) Any person who was a teacher holding a title of Reader, Senior Lecturer or Lecturer immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance is permitted to retain the title and the status of a teacher after the commencement of this Ordinance as long as the person remains in the same grade of employment in the University.
13. Statutes
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, the University shall be governed in accordance with the provisions of the statutes.
(2) The Council may propose to the Court additions to, or the amendment or repeal of, any of the statutes, whereupon on the recommendation by the Court to the Chancellor, the Chancellor may make any such addition, amendment, or repeal as recommended by the Court.
(3) Every such addition, amendment and repeal made by the Chancellor in accordance with subsection (2), shall be published in the Gazette, and may be published in the Gazette of the University or in such other manner as the Chancellor may direct.
(4) The statutes contained in the Schedule shall be deemed to have been made under this Ordinance.
(5) The Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) shall apply for the purposes of the interpretation of the statutes as it applies for the purposes of the interpretation of an Ordinance, and all expressions defined in this Ordinance shall bear the same meaning when used in the statutes, unless other provision is made in the statutes or a contrary intention otherwise appears.
14. Examiners
All examinations held by the University shall be conducted in such manner as the statutes and any regulations made thereunder may prescribe:
Provided that for degree examinations for the final year and such other examinations for degrees as the Senate may from time to time recommend, at least one external and independent examiner shall be appointed for each subject or group of subjects forming part of the course of studies required, if practicable.
15. Power to confer degrees, etc.
The University shall have power —
(a) to confer such degrees as may be specified in the statutes;
(b) to award diplomas and certificates and such other academic distinctions as may be specified in the statutes;
(c) to provide such lectures and instruction for persons not members of the University as the University may determine, and to grant certificates to such persons;
(d) after due enquiry, to deprive persons of such degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions as may be specified in the statutes.
16. Saving
Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the rights of the Central Authorities or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the Basic Law and other laws, or the rights of any body politic or corporate or of any other persons except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them.
- I. Interpretation
- II. Congregations
- III. Degrees and Other Academic Distinctions
- IV. Members of the University
- V. The Pro-Chancellor
- VI. The Vice-Chancellor
- VIA. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- VII. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors
- VIII. The Treasurer
- IX. The Deans and Associate Deans of the Faculties
- IXA. The Dean of Student Affairs
- IXB. [Repealed]
- X. The Registrar and Other Officers
- XI. The Auditors
- XII. The Teachers of the University
- XIII. Honorary and Emeritus Professors
- XIV. Procedure Generally
- XV. The Court
- XVI. Meetings of the Court
- XVII. Powers of the Court
- XVIII. The Council
- XIX. Powers of the Council
- XX. The Honorary Degrees Committee
- XXI. Financial Procedure
- XXII. The Senate
- XXIII. Powers of the Senate
- XXIV. The Teaching Departments
- XXV. Institutes, Schools, Centres, Units or Other Sub-divisions of Studies and Learning
- XXVI. The Boards of the Faculties
- XXVII. Powers of the Boards of the Faculties
- XXVIIA–XXVIIB. [Repealed]
- XXVIII. Convocation
- XXIX. Examinations
- XXX. The Disciplinary Committee
- XXXI. Powers of the Disciplinary Committee
I. Interpretation
In these statutes, unless the context otherwise requires —
“academic year” means such period, not exceeding 12 consecutive months, as the Senate shall from time to time determine;
“Disciplinary Committee” means the Disciplinary Committee appointed under Statute XXX;
“Faculty” means a group of related academic disciplines which may or may not be divided into teaching departments and other sub-divisions of studies and learning;
“graduate” means a person —
(a) on whom a degree has been conferred at a congregation of the University; or
(b) whose name has appeared on the list of successful candidates for a degree of bachelor, master or doctor of the University, published in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Senate, and who is awaiting the conferment of that degree at a congregation;
“hall” means a residential or a non-residential hall and includes the Robert Black College and the Clinical Students’ Residence;
“Ordinance” means the University of Hong Kong Ordinance;
“postgraduate student” means a person —
(a) who is registered to read for a degree of master or doctor of the University; or
(b) who is registered as a student for a certificate or diploma of the University, one of the requirements for entry to which is the possession of a degree of bachelor or such qualification as may for such purpose be deemed equivalent thereto by the Senate;
“semester” means such part of an academic year as the Senate shall from time to time determine;
“student” means an undergraduate student or a postgraduate student or a person who is otherwise registered for a diploma or certificate of the University, or who is in a category of person defined by the Senate as a student for the purpose of proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee;
“undergraduate student” means a person who is registered to read for a degree of bachelor of the University;
“University”, “statutes”, “Court”, “Council”, “Senate”, “Convocation”, “Chancellor”, “Pro-Chancellor”, “Vice-Chancellor”, “Deputy Vice-Chancellor”, “Pro-Vice-Chancellor”, “Treasurer”, “Deans of Faculties”, “Registrar”, “Librarian”, “officer”, “teacher”, shall have respectively the same meanings as they have in the Ordinance.
II. Congregations
1. The time, place and procedure of the congregations of the whole University shall be determined by the Chancellor.
2. The Chancellor, or in his absence the Pro-Chancellor or in the absence of both of them the Vice-Chancellor, shall preside at congregations.
3. At least one congregation shall be held in each academic year.
III. Degrees and Other Academic Distinctions
1. The University may confer any of the following degrees —
(a) Bachelors degrees
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, in disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Conservation
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies
Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management
Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law)
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine
Bachelor of Cognitive Science
Bachelor of Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education
Bachelor of Education in Language Education
Bachelor of Education in Primary Education
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking
Bachelor of Housing Management
Bachelor of Journalism
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Management Studies
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Bachelor of Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine
Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
Bachelor of Science in Applied Child Development
Bachelor of Science in Applied Medical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health
Bachelor of Science in Information Management
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Studies
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying
Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
Bachelor of Science in Sports Science and Leisure Management
Bachelor of Science in Surveying
Bachelor of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws)
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(b) Masters degrees
Executive Master of Business Administration
Juris Doctor
Master of Accounting
Master of Advanced Pharmacy
Master of Architecture
Master of Architecture (Design)
Master of Arts
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
Master of Arts in China Development Studies
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning
Master of Buddhist Counselling
Master of Buddhist Studies
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (International)
Master of Chinese Medicine
Master of Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Master of Climate Governance and Risk Management
Master of Clinical Pharmacy
Master of Common Law
Master of Data Science
Master of Dental Surgery, in dental disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Economics
Master of Education
Master of Expressive Arts Therapy
Master of Family Wealth Management
Master of Finance
Master of Finance in Financial Technology
Master of Financial Engineering
Master of Fine Arts
Master of Geographic Information Systems
Master of Global Management
Master of Global Public Policy
Master of Housing Management
Master of International and Public Affairs
Master of Journalism
Master of Landscape Architecture
Master of Laws
Master of Laws, in law disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Medical Sciences
Master of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology
Master of Nursing
Master of Nursing in Advanced Practice
Master of Orthodontics
Master of Philosophy
Master of Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies)
Master of Public Administration
Master of Public Administration (International)
Master of Public Health
Master of Research
Master of Research in Medicine
Master of Science
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
Master of Science in Audiology
Master of Science in Business Analytics
Master of Science in Chinese Medicines
Master of Science in Community Dentistry
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Conservation
Master of Science in Construction Project Management
Master of Science in Dental Materials Science
Master of Science in Digital Management of Built Assets
Master of Science in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing
Master of Science in Engineering
Master of Science in Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Master of Science in Environmental Management
Master of Science in Financial Technology and Data Analytics
Master of Science in General Dentistry
Master of Science in Geospatial Data Science
Master of Science in Global Business Management and E-Commerce
Master of Science in Implant Dentistry
Master of Science in Information Technology in Education
Master of Science in Integrated Project Delivery
Master of Science in Integrative Marine Ecology and Conservation
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Design and Management
Master of Science in Library and Information Management
Master of Science in Marketing
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Master of Science in Real Estate
Master of Science in Real Estate Development
Master of Science in Sports Science
Master of Science in Sustainable Environmental Design
Master of Science in Technology, Design and Leadership for Learning
Master of Science in Urban Analytics
Master of Science in Urban Design and Transport
Master of Science in Urban Planning
Master of Social Sciences
Master of Social Service Management
Master of Social Work
Master of Statistics
Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Master of Urban Design
Master of Urban Studies and Housing Management
(c) Doctors degrees
Doctor of Business Administration
Doctor of Education
Doctor of Laws
Doctor of Legal Science
Doctor of Letters
Doctor of Medicine
Doctor of Nursing
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Psychology
Doctor of Public Administration
Doctor of Science
Doctor of Social Sciences
Master of Surgery
(d) Honorary degrees
Doctor of Divinity honoris causa
Doctor of Laws honoris causa
Doctor of Letters honoris causa
Doctor of Science honoris causa
Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa
2. The University may award any of the following diplomas and certificates —
(a) Diplomas
Advanced Diploma in Education
Advanced Diploma in Endodontics
Advanced Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Advanced Diploma in Orthodontics
Advanced Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry
Advanced Diploma in Periodontology
Advanced Diploma in Prosthodontics
Advanced Diploma in Social Work
Diploma in Architecture
Diploma in Chinese Language
Diploma in Pharmacy
Foundation Diploma in Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Building Services
Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Health
Postgraduate Diploma in Chinese Language Subject Knowledge for Graduate Teachers
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research Methodology
Postgraduate Diploma in Commercial Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Common Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Geriatrics
Postgraduate Diploma in Community Psychological Medicine
Postgraduate Diploma in Conservation
Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Project Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing in English
Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Materials Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Surgery
Postgraduate Diploma in Diagnosis and Therapeutics in Internal Medicine
Postgraduate Diploma in Earth Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Education
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering, in engineering disciplines as determined by the Senate from time to time
Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in General Dental Surgery
Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems
Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology Law
Postgraduate Diploma in International Affairs
Postgraduate Diploma in International Arbitration and Dispute Settlement
Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism
Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture
Postgraduate Diploma in Laws
Postgraduate Diploma in the Law of the People’s Republic of China
Postgraduate Diploma in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies)
Postgraduate Diploma in Psycho-oncology
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Computer Science)
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Quantity Surveying)
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying (Real Estate Development)
Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design
(b) Certificates
Certificate in Chinese Language
Certificate in Health Economics
Certificate in In-Service Education for Teachers
Certificate in Medical Sciences
Certificate in School Counselling and Guidance
Certificate in Social Study
Certificates in engineering subjects, as determined by the Senate from time to time
Hong Kong Common Professional Examination Certificate in Laws
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Educational Studies
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Research Methodology
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws
Postgraduate Certificate in Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies)
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology
Postgraduate Certificate in Psycho-oncology
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health
3. Degrees shall be conferred by the Chancellor, or in his absence by the Pro-Chancellor, or in the absence of both of them by the Vice-Chancellor, at congregations of the whole University.
4. No person shall be allowed to proceed to any degree except an aegrotat degree without examination or other adequate test, but honorary degrees may be conferred as the Chancellor thinks fit on the recommendation of the Honorary Degrees Committee.
5. No first degree, other than a degree in medicine or surgery, shall be conferred on any person who has not completed at least a 3 years’ course of study at a University or other place of learning, including at least 1 year at the University of Hong Kong; and no first degree in medicine or surgery shall be conferred on any person who has not completed a 5 years’ course of medical or related study at a University or other place of learning, including at least 2 years at the University of Hong Kong.
6. No new degree shall be established or other distinction of honour or merit adopted except on the recommendation of the Senate.
7. No person shall be deprived of any degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction except for good cause by the Chancellor on the joint recommendation of the Council and the Senate.
IV. Members of the University
1. The members of the University shall be —
(a) the Chancellor and the Pro-Chancellor;
(b) the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, and the Treasurer;
(c) the Deans of the Faculties, the Registrar, and the Librarian;
(ca) the Dean of Student Affairs;
(d) the members of the Court;
(e) the members of the Council;
(f) the members of the Senate;
(g) the members of the Boards of the Faculties;
(ga) [Repealed]
(h) the Honorary and Emeritus Professors;
(i) the teachers;
(j) the wardens of University and attached Halls and the masters of Colleges;
(k) the graduates;
(l) the undergraduate students; and
(m) the postgraduate students.
In addition, such persons holding such offices or appointments at or made by the University as shall hereafter from time to time be determined by the Council, shall be members of the University.
2. A member of the University shall continue to be a member so long as he possesses any one of the qualifications set out in this statute.
V. The Pro-Chancellor
1. The Pro-Chancellor may, on the authorization of the Chancellor and on his behalf, exercise any of the powers or perform any of the duties conferred or imposed on the Chancellor by the statutes.
2. The Pro-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Chancellor.
VI. The Vice-Chancellor
1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Senate.
2. The Vice-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Council.
3. The Vice-Chancellor shall be a member of every committee of the Court, Council or Senate, and of every committee of the Board of any Faculty but shall not be a member of the Disciplinary Committee.
4. The Vice-Chancellor shall have power to appoint a person to act as an officer during a temporary vacancy in the office or in the temporary absence from duty or inability of the officer except where an alternative method of making such a temporary appointment during a temporary vacancy or temporary absence is prescribed by the Ordinance or by these statutes. The Vice-Chancellor shall also have power to appoint a person to act in any other official capacity as may be determined by the Council during a temporary vacancy in such official capacity or in the temporary absence from duty or inability of the holder of the official capacity. The person so appointed may exercise all or any of the powers, perform all or any of the duties, and have such of the privileges of the holder of the office or of the holder of the official capacity in which he is appointed to act as the Vice-Chancellor may determine.
5. The Vice-Chancellor shall have such disciplinary powers in respect of students as may be conferred by these statutes and any regulations made thereunder.
VIA. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
1. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Senate.
2. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed on such terms and conditions and shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
3. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor may resign by written notice addressed to the Council.
VII. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors
1. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall be appointed by the Council on such terms and conditions as the Council shall prescribe.
2. Subject to the Ordinance and statutes and unless the Council shall otherwise prescribe, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor who is in Hong Kong and has presently served the longest continuous period in that office shall, in the event of vacancies in the offices of both Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, or of the absence or inability to act as such of both the Vice-Chancellor and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, act as Vice-Chancellor.
3. A Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for such period as the Council shall determine, and shall undertake such duties as may be assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.
4. The Pro-Vice-Chancellors may resign by written notice addressed to the Council.
VIII. The Treasurer
1. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Council for 3 years and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The Council may appoint a person to act as Treasurer during a temporary vacancy in the office of Treasurer or in the temporary absence from duty or inability of the Treasurer. The person so appointed may exercise all or any of the powers, perform all or any of the duties, and have such of the privileges of the Treasurer as the Council may determine.
2. The Treasurer may resign by written notice addressed to the Council.
IX. The Deans and Associate Deans of the Faculties
1. The Dean of each Faculty shall be appointed by the Council in accordance with regulations —
(a) on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Council; and
(c) for a period of 5 years or such other period as may be determined by the Council.
1A. A Dean shall be eligible for re-appointment.
2. Whenever the office of Dean becomes vacant a new Dean shall forthwith be appointed.
3. The Dean shall be a member of all committees of the Board of the Faculty and shall present candidates for degrees (except honorary degrees) in the subjects of the Faculty.
4. A Dean may resign by written notice addressed to the Council.
5. (a) Associate Deans of each Faculty shall be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.
(b) The period of office of an Associate Dean of a Faculty shall be determined by the Dean of the Faculty and shall not exceed or be extended beyond the period of office of the Dean.
6. An Associate Dean of a Faculty shall discharge such duties as may be determined by the Dean of the Faculty.
7. An Associate Dean of a Faculty may resign by written notice addressed to the Dean of the Faculty.
IXA. The Dean of Student Affairs
1. The Dean of Student Affairs shall be an officer and shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Senate.
2. The Dean of Student Affairs shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for such duties in connection with student affairs as may be determined by the Council from time to time.
IXB. [Repealed]
X. The Registrar and Other Officers
1. The Registrar —
(a) shall be appointed by the Council;
(b) shall keep a register of all members of the University under their respective qualifications as specified in Statute IV;
(c) shall be the custodian of the records and of the common seal of the University;
(d) shall discharge such duties as are specified in the Ordinance and statutes and such other duties as may be determined by the Council;
(e) may exercise his functions as secretary to the Boards of the Faculties by deputy.
1A. [Repealed]
2. The Director of Finance shall be an officer, and —
(a) shall be appointed by the Council;
(b) shall be responsible to the Council for the keeping of all University accounts;
(c) shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the discharge of such other duties in connection with University finance as the Vice-Chancellor may determine.
3. The Librarian —
(a) shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Senate;
(b) shall discharge such duties as may be determined by the Council after consultation with the Senate.
4. The Director of Estates shall be an officer, and —
(a) shall be appointed by the Council;
(b) shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for general maintenance of all University buildings, properties, and grounds;
(c) shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the discharge of such other duties in connection with the University buildings, properties, and grounds as the Vice-Chancellor may determine.
XI. The Auditors
1. The Court shall appoint an auditor or auditors, who shall not be members of the Court, the Council, the Senate, the Board of any Faculty or any committee.
2. Auditors shall hold office for 1 year at a time, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
XII. The Teachers of the University
1. In addition to the persons designated as such by the Ordinance, the appointed Deans of Faculties and the Heads and Deputy Heads of the Institutes, Schools, Centres and Units and other sub-divisions of studies and learning appointed under the provisions of Statute XXV shall be teachers.
2. The teachers whose services are exclusively at the disposal of the University shall not during the tenure of their appointments engage in outside practice for reward without the consent of the Council.
3. The Senate shall organize the teachers into such Faculties, Teaching Departments, Institutes, Schools, Centres, and Units and other sub-divisions of studies and learning as the Senate shall see fit.
XIII. Honorary and Emeritus Professors
1. Upon the recommendation of the Senate, the Council may appoint Honorary Professors and may confer the title of Emeritus Professor upon any professor who has retired from office.
2. An Honorary or Emeritus Professor shall not ex officio be a member of the Court, Council, Senate or the Board of any Faculty.
XIV. Procedure Generally
1. Except as provided in the statutes, in the absence of the president or chairman and, if there is a vice-president or vice-chairman, of the vice-president or vice-chairman from a meeting of the Court, Council, Senate, the Board of any Faculty, or any committee, the members present at that meeting shall choose a president or chairman, as the case may be, to act at that meeting.
2. Except as provided in the statutes, the Court, Council, Senate, Boards of the Faculties, and any committee shall determine and may make rules for the time, place, and procedure of their respective meetings.
3. The minutes of all meetings of every committee held since the last preceding meeting of the parent body shall be laid on the table at each meeting of that body, whether it be the Court, Council, Senate or the Board of any Faculty.
4. The minutes of all meetings of the Boards of the Faculties held since the last preceding meeting of the Senate shall be laid on the table at each meeting of the Senate.
5. The minutes of all meetings of the Court shall be sent to Convocation.
6. In the case of equality of votes on a question at a meeting of the Court, Council, Senate, the Board of any Faculty or any committee, the president or chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
XV. The Court
1. The Court shall consist of —
(a) the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and the Treasurer;
(b) life members;
(c) the following members ex officio:
the members of the Council,
the members of the Senate,
the Registrar,
the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Clerk of Convocation;
(d) the following elected members:
(i) 5 persons elected by the Members of the Legislative Council from among their own number,
(ii) 12 members elected from among its number by the Standing Committee of Convocation, provided that no member of that committee who is a member of the Court by virtue of any other paragraph of this statute shall be eligible for election,
(iii) 5 members elected by the Court,
(iv) 3 members elected by the Grant Schools Council from among its number,
(v) 3 members elected by the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council from among its number; and
(e) not more than 20 members, not being already included in any of the foregoing classes, appointed by the Chancellor.
2. Vacancies shall be filled as they occur or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be.
3. Any member of the Court except an ex officio member may resign by written notice addressed to the secretary to the Court.
4. The ex officio members shall continue as members so long only as they hold the office in virtue of which they became members of the Court.
5. The elected members shall hold office for 3 years at a time and shall be eligible for re-election.
6. The appointed members shall hold office for 3 years at a time and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
7. The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Court.
8. If any appointed or elected member leaves Hong Kong and either remains absent for 3 months or more or gives notice of his intended absence for 3 months or more, the appointing or electing person or body may appoint or elect, as the case may require, another person to act as member in his place during his absence. The acting member shall vacate his office either on the return of the absent member to Hong Kong, or on the expiry of the absent member’s term of office, whichever first happens.
9. A member elected under paragraph 1(d)(i), (ii), (iv) or (v) of this statute shall be deemed —
(a) to have resigned from the Court if he ceases to be a member of the body which elected him;
(b) to have resigned from his membership of the Court in that capacity if he becomes a member of the Court in another capacity.
XVI. Meetings of the Court
1. The Court shall meet at least once in each academic year.
2. The Chancellor shall be the president of the Court. In the absence of the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor or in the absence of both of them, the Vice-Chancellor, shall preside at a meeting of the Court.
3. The Chancellor may convene a meeting of the Court at any time.
4. One-fourth of the members of the Court for the time being shall form a quorum.
5. The Vice-Chancellor may require any officer or teacher to be present at a meeting of the Court to assist the Vice-Chancellor or the Registrar.
XVII. Powers of the Court
Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and the statutes, the Court shall have power —
(a) to recommend to the Chancellor additions to, or the amendment or repeal of any of the statutes on the proposal of the Council;
(b) [Repealed]
(ba) to elect, in accordance with regulations, its members to be members of the Council and to, on the recommendation of the Council, give the approval referred to in paragraph 2 of Statute XVIII;
(c) to consider the annual accounts together with any comments that may have been made by the auditors;
(d) to consider any reports that may be made by the Council to the Court;
(e) to discuss any motion on general University policy that may be introduced by a member; and
(f) to appoint life members and to prescribe the procedure for making such appointments.
XVIII. The Council
1. The Council shall consist of —
(a) 7 persons, not being students or employees of the University, appointed by the Chancellor, one of whom shall be appointed the Chairman by the Chancellor;
(b) 6 persons, not being students or employees of the University, appointed by the Council;
(c) 2 persons, not being students or employees of the University, elected by the Court under sub-subparagraph (ba) of Statute XVII;
(d) the Vice-Chancellor;
(e) the Treasurer;
(f) 4 full-time teachers elected in accordance with regulations;
(g) 1 full-time employee of the University, not being a teacher, elected in accordance with regulations;
(h) 1 full-time undergraduate student elected in accordance with regulations; and
(i) 1 full-time postgraduate student elected in accordance with regulations.
1A. The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Council but shall not be a member thereof.
2. A member referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b), (c), (e), (f) or (g) —
(a) shall serve for a term of 3 years;
(b) shall be eligible for re-appointment or re-election but no member may serve more than 3 consecutive terms without approval of the Court; and
(c) may resign by written notice addressed to the Registrar.
2A. [Repealed]
3. A member referred to in paragraph 1(h) or (i) —
(a) shall serve for a term as determined by the Council from time to time;
(b) shall be eligible for re-election;
(c) may resign by written notice addressed to the Registrar; and
(d) shall cease to be a member when he ceases to be a full-time student of the University.
4. [Repealed]
5. Not less than one third of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Council.
6. The powers of the Council may be exercised notwithstanding any vacancy in its number, but if at any time and as long as the number of members of the Council is less than 10 the Council shall discontinue the exercise of its powers.
7. The Chairman may require any officer or teacher to be present at a meeting of the Council.
8. [Repealed]
XIX. Powers of the Council
1. The Council may exercise all the powers and is to perform all the duties of the University other than those vested or imposed by the Ordinance or the statutes in some other authority of the University or in an officer.
2. Notwithstanding the generality of the powers vested in the Council by paragraph 1 and subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and the statutes, the Council shall have power —
(a) to administer and manage the finances, accounts, investments, property, business, and all affairs whatsoever of the University, and for that purpose to appoint bankers, counsel, solicitors, and such officers or agents as it may be expedient to appoint;
(b) [Repealed]
(c) to invest the moneys of the University, including any unapplied income, in such stocks, funds, fully paid-up shares or securities, mortgages, or debentures or debenture stock as the Council shall think fit, whether such investments be authorized by the general law for the investment of trust moneys or not, and whether such investments be within Hong Kong or not, and to invest such moneys in the purchase of leasehold property in Hong Kong, and to vary any investments by sale and reinvestment or otherwise;
(d) to purchase, grant, sell, convey, assign, surrender, and yield up, exchange, partition, mortgage, demise, reassign, transfer, and accept leases of real and personal property on behalf of the University;
(e) to provide the buildings, premises, furniture, apparatus, and other means needed for the University;
(f) to borrow money on behalf of the University and for that purpose to mortgage all or any part of the property of the University, whether real or personal, or give such other security, whether upon such real or personal property or otherwise, as it thinks fit:
Provided that the moneys borrowed and owing by the University shall not at any time exceed in the whole the sum of $100,000 except with the sanction of a resolution passed at a meeting of the Council and confirmed by the vote of three-fourths of the members present and voting at a subsequent meeting of the Council specially convened for the purpose and held not less than 7 days after the former meeting;
(fa) to accept and execute, and to appoint any officer of the University or any trust company to accept and execute, the office of trustee, or other like office of a fiduciary nature, of any trust or unit trust in which the University, officers, teachers or other employees or students of the University have a beneficial interest whether directly or indirectly including any superannuation fund or pension scheme for the benefit of employees of the University;
(fb) to incorporate a trust company to accept and execute the office of trustee, or other like office of a fiduciary nature, of any trust or unit trust in which the University, officers, teachers or other employees or students of the University have a beneficial interest whether directly or indirectly, and to act as investing or financial agent and receive money in trust for investment and to allow interest thereon until invested;
(fc) to incorporate or set up a unit trust and appoint trustees thereof;
(g) to enter into, vary, carry out, and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;
(h) to maintain a University printing press and publish books and other matter on behalf of the University;
(i) to give directions to the Senate or to any officer or teacher of the University in any financial matter or any matter affecting the property of the University;
(j) in consultation with the Senate to review the instruction and teaching of the University;
(k) to co-operate with other Universities and authorities for the regulation and conduct of examinations, for the examination and inspection of schools and other academic institutions, for the extension of University teaching, and for other purposes;
(l) to appoint any person or committee to entertain and, if appropriate, adjudicate upon, on its behalf, complaints from members of the University and persons employed in it and to redress their grievances:
Provided that the Council shall not entertain or adjudicate upon any complaint which falls within the jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Committee;
(la) to allow or dismiss an appeal from the Disciplinary Committee and to vary any penalty imposed by the Disciplinary Committee, or to appoint any person or committee to discharge those duties;
(m) to propose to the Court additions to, or the amendment or repeal of any of the statutes;
(n) to draft statutes;
(o) to prescribe fees;
(p) to prescribe the duties of officers, teachers, and other employees whom it may appoint and to fix their remuneration and the terms and conditions of their appointments;
(pa) to grant loans, whether secured or unsecured and in such amounts and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, to officers, teachers and other employees whom it may appoint;
(q) to appoint committees within or without Hong Kong to select candidates for any office to which the Council may appoint;
(r) to delegate any of its powers to any member of the Council or to any committee thereof or to any officer or teacher;
(s) to do all such acts and things and perform all such duties as may be necessary for or incidental to exercising the powers or performing the duties vested or imposed on the Council by the Ordinance or the statutes.
3. (1) The Council may by regulation provide for any of the following matters or for any of the following purposes—
(a) the administration of the affairs of the University;
(b) the form of contracts;
(c) the University press and publications;
(d) fees;
(e) the conduct of elections and the mode of appointments prescribed by the Ordinance and the statutes;
(f) the prescribing of anything which is by the Ordinance or the statutes to be prescribed by regulations made by the Council; and
(g) generally, all matters which by the Ordinance or the statutes it is empowered to regulate.
(2) All such regulations shall come into operation on the day on which they are made, unless otherwise provided by the Council.
XX. The Honorary Degrees Committee
1. The Honorary Degrees Committee shall consist of —
(a) the Pro-Chancellor, who shall be Chairman;
(b) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Vice-Chairman;
(c) a graduate, appointed by the Court, on whom an honorary degree has been conferred;
(d) 2 members of the Council, appointed by the Council, who are members of the Council under paragraph 1(a), (b), (c) or (e) of Statute XVIII, and of whom at least 1 is a graduate;
(e) 3 Deans of Faculties, elected by the Senate; and
(f) a Director of The University of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research Limited, appointed by resolution of the Board of that Foundation.
2. (1) The persons appointed under paragraph 1(c), (d) and (f) shall hold office for a period of 3 years, shall be eligible for re-appointment, and may resign by written notice addressed to the Registrar.
(2) The persons elected under paragraph 1(e) shall hold office for a period of 3 years, shall be eligible for re-election, and may resign by written notice addressed to the Registrar.
3. The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Honorary Degrees Committee but shall not be a member thereof.
4. The Honorary Degrees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor the award of honorary degrees to persons who have made, in the opinion of the Honorary Degrees Committee, a contribution of distinction in —
(a) services to the University; or
(b) services to the Hong Kong community; or
(c) services to academia.
5. The Honorary Degrees Committee shall seek from the members of the Court nominations for the award of honorary degrees, and shall have power to receive nominations from any other person or organization.
XXI. Financial Procedure
1. The Council shall fix the financial year.
2. The Council shall appoint a Finance Committee, to which persons who are not members of the Council may be appointed, and all matters, within the jurisdiction of the Council which have important financial implications shall stand referred to the Finance Committee.
3. The Finance Committee shall submit to the Council, before the beginning of the financial year, draft estimates of income and expenditure, and such estimates, amended as the Council may think fit, shall be approved by the Council before the beginning of the financial year.
4. The estimate shall show the income and expenditure of the University and the estimated surplus or deficit for the year. The estimated expenditure shall be shown under votes, heads, and (where applicable) sub-heads. The Council shall make regulations for the preparation of the estimates and for the control of expenditure within them. The Council may revise the estimates during the course of the financial year, and may make regulations for the amendment of the expenditure estimates. Such last mentioned regulations may make provision for delegating the said powers of revision so long as such delegation shall not extend to altering the total estimated expenditure.
5. As soon as practicable after the end of the financial year, a Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account with supporting schedules shall be submitted to the auditors.
6. The audited accounts, with any comments thereon made by the auditors, shall be submitted to the Council.
7. But nothing in this statute shall deprive the Council of power to invest surpluses or prospective surpluses at any time.
8. The audited account shall be submitted to the Court at its annual meeting.
XXII. The Senate
1. The Senate shall consist of —
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be chairman;
(b) the Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
(c) the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;
(d) the Dean of each Faculty;
(e) the Chairman of each Board of the Faculty;
(f) 12 Professors elected in accordance with regulations;
(g) 6 teachers, not being Professors, elected in accordance with regulations;
(h) the Director of the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University;
(i) the Dean of the Graduate School;
(j) the Librarian;
(k) the Dean of Student Affairs; and
(l) 3 full-time students, at least one of whom shall be an undergraduate and one of whom shall be a postgraduate, elected in accordance with regulations.
2. The Senate has power to co-opt other members of the University to serve as members of the Senate for such periods as the Senate may determine, provided that at any one time the total number of serving members of the Senate does not exceed 50.
3. [Repealed]
4. The Senate shall meet at least once in each semester of every academic year, and at such other times as may be necessary.
5. Not less than one third of the members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Senate.
6. The chairman shall be empowered to require any officer or teacher to attend a meeting of the Senate.
7. The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Senate but shall not be a member thereof.
XXIII. Powers of the Senate
1. Subject to the provision of the Ordinance and the statutes, and to the availability of the funds provided by the Council, the Senate shall have power —
(a) in consultation with the Boards of Faculties to provide courses of study for the degrees, diplomas, certificates, and other awards by the University and such other courses of study as may be thought desirable, to direct and regulate the instruction and education in the University, to stimulate the advancement of knowledge by research and publications, and to direct the manner in which examinations shall be conducted;
(b) to determine what examinations and courses of study in other Universities or places of learning shall be deemed equivalent to examinations and courses of study in the University;
(c) to advise the Council on the provision of facilities for educational and other academic matters;
(d) to decide in accordance with the statutes and regulations what persons have qualified for the conferment of degrees (other than honorary degrees), and the award of diplomas, certificates, and other marks of distinction;
(e) to organize the Faculties and to review, refer back, control, amend or disallow any act of the Board of any Faculty, and to give directions to the Boards of the Faculties;
(f) to fix the time, mode and conditions of competition for, and to award fellowships, scholarships, and other educational endowments and prizes in accordance with the terms thereof;
(g) to recommend any person for appointment to the post of teacher;
(h) to manage the libraries, laboratories, museums, and art galleries of the University;
(i) to provide for the welfare and discipline of students;
(j) to require any student on academic grounds to terminate his studies at the University;
(k) [Repealed]
(l) to determine the policy to be followed by the Halls of Residence maintained by the University; and to approve Halls and other accommodation for the residence of students not maintained by the University and to prescribe the conditions under which students may be permitted to reside therein;
(m) to provide lectures and courses of study for persons who are not members of the University;
(ma) to entertain and adjudicate upon appeals on matters within the purview of the Senate, provided that the Senate shall not entertain appeals against decisions made by the examiners in connection with degrees, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions or attainments;
(n) to advise the Council on any matter which may be referred to the Senate by the Council;
(o) to delegate any of its powers to any member of the Senate or any committee thereof or the Board of any Faculty or to any officer or teacher; and
(p) to do all such other acts and things as may be requisite to give effect to the powers conferred on the Senate by the Ordinance or the statutes.
2. (1) The Senate may by regulation provide for any of the following matters or for any of the following purposes—
(a) the admission, registration, residence, welfare, and discipline of students;
(b) the conditions for the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates, and other marks of distinction;
(c) courses of study and examinations;
(d) academic dress;
(e) the award of scholarships and other educational endowments and prizes;
(f) the use of the University libraries, laboratories, workshops, and other institutions;
(g) the prescribing of anything which is by the Ordinance or the statutes to be prescribed by regulations made by the Senate;
(h) the prescribing of conditions under which persons may be exempted from the provisions of any regulation made by the Senate; and
(i) generally, all matters which by the Ordinance or the statutes it is empowered to regulate.
(2) All such regulations shall be reported to the Council and shall come into operation not earlier than 1 semester after the day on which they are made, unless otherwise provided by the Council.
XXIV. The Teaching Departments
1. The Teaching Departments shall be formed by the Senate.
2. The Head of a Teaching Department allocated to a Faculty shall be appointed, with the concurrence of the Vice-Chancellor, by the Dean of the Faculty in accordance with regulations for a period determined in accordance with those regulations.
2A. The Head of a Teaching Department allocated to a Faculty shall be responsible to the Board of the Faculty for the organization of teaching in the Department.
3. The Senate shall allocate the Teaching Departments to Faculties. A Teaching Department may be allocated to more than 1 Faculty.
XXV. Institutes, Schools, Centres, Units or Other Sub-divisions of Studies and Learning
1. The Head and any Deputy Head of an Institute, School, Centre, Unit or other sub-division of studies and learning shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in accordance with regulations.
2. An Institute, School, Centre, Unit or other sub-division of studies and learning may be allocated by the Senate to 1 or more Faculties.
XXVI. The Boards of the Faculties
1. The Board of each Faculty shall consist of —
(a) the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) a Chairman, who shall be a member of the Board of the Faculty other than the Dean or a member referred to in sub-subparagraph (g), elected by the members of the Board for a period of 3 years;
(ba) the Dean of the Faculty;
(c) the teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University;
(d) such other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate;
(e) such other persons not being teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board, provided that the number of such persons shall not exceed one-fourth of the whole number of members of the Board;
(f) [Repealed]
(g) in respect of a Faculty in which the number of registered undergraduate students exceeds the number of registered postgraduate students, 3 undergraduate students who shall be registered in that Faculty to read full time for a degree, such undergraduate students being elected by the undergraduate students similarly so registered, and 1 postgraduate student, not being an officer or a teacher or a person employed by the University whose employment is permanent and full-time or a member of the Board in any other category of membership, who shall be registered in that Faculty, such postgraduate student being elected by the postgraduate students similarly so registered; and, in respect of a Faculty in which the number of registered postgraduate students exceeds the number of registered undergraduate students, 1 undergraduate student who shall be registered in that Faculty, such undergraduate student being elected by the undergraduate students similarly so registered, and 3 postgraduate students, not being officers or teachers or persons employed by the University whose employment is permanent and full-time or members of the Board in any other category of membership, who shall be registered in that Faculty, such postgraduate students being elected by the postgraduate students similarly so registered.
2. (a) The persons appointed under paragraph 1(d) and (e) shall hold office for a period of 3 years or for such other period as the Senate may specify in any particular case and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(b) The persons elected under paragraph 1(g) shall hold office for such periods as the Senate shall determine, and shall be eligible for re-election provided that no person shall be elected more than twice.
3. The Board of each Faculty shall be responsible to the Senate for the teaching of the subjects assigned to that Faculty and shall report thereon to the Senate from time to time.
4. The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Board of each Faculty but shall not be a member thereof.
XXVII. Powers of the Boards of the Faculties
Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and the statutes, the Board of each Faculty shall have power —
(a) to advise the Senate on any questions relating to the work of the Faculty; and
(b) to do all such other acts and things as may be requisite to perform any duty which the Senate may delegate to it.
XXVIII. Convocation
1. (1) Convocation shall consist of the following members —
(a) the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Treasurer, the Deans of the Faculties, the Dean of Student Affairs and the Registrar;
(b) the Chairs, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Assistant Lecturers, Tutors and Demonstrators of the University;
(c) graduates of the University registered in accordance with regulations made by the Council.
(2) Persons on whom an honorary degree has been conferred shall not, solely by reason thereof, be members of Convocation, but may be elected by Convocation to be members thereof.
2. A register of the members of Convocation shall be kept by the Registrar.
3. Such register shall be conclusive evidence that any person whose name appears therein at the time of claiming to vote in Convocation is entitled to a vote and that any person whose name does not appear therein is not so entitled.
4. The Chancellor, if present, shall preside at the meetings of Convocation.
4A. There shall be a Standing Committee of Convocation which shall be the executive body of Convocation.
4B. There shall be a Chairman of Convocation who shall at the same time be chairman of the Standing Committee.
4C. Convocation may advise the Council on the rules for the time, place and procedure of its meetings and for the conduct of its office bearers and on the regulations for the conduct of Convocation elections.
5. A meeting of Convocation shall be convened at least once in every year and at such other times as the Standing Committee of Convocation may determine.
6. A meeting of Convocation may also be convened by the direction of the Chairman thereof and shall be convened at the request in writing of at least 20 members.
7. Notice of a meeting of Convocation shall be served in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Standing Committee from time to time.
8. 30 members of Convocation shall form a quorum.
9. All questions which may arise at a meeting of Convocation shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and, in case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his original vote.
10. Convocation shall have the following powers —
(a) to elect members of the Court from among their own number, in accordance with the provisions of Statute XV;
(b) to elect a Chairman, who shall hold office for such period as Convocation may determine and who shall in the absence of the Chancellor preside at its meetings;
(c) to discuss any matter whatsoever relating to the University, including any matter referred to it by the Court or the Council and to report its views on such matter to the Court or the Council or the Senate as the case may be;
(d) to report its proceedings to the Court, the Council or the Senate;
(e) to enter into communication directly with the Court, the Council or the Senate on any matter affecting the University;
(ea) to solicit funds from amongst its own members and from others for the purposes of the University and to determine the manner in which they may be made available in the form of scholarships, bursaries, or other forms of disbursement;
(f) generally to do any other act necessary to give effect to the powers conferred on Convocation by the Ordinance or the statutes.
XXIX. Examinations
1. Examinations for degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards shall be conducted by examiners appointed by the Council and the Senate on the recommendation of the appropriate Boards of Faculties, or committees of the Senate.
2. In respect of every paper in a Degree Examination for a final year and in such other examinations as may be prescribed in accordance with the Ordinance, there shall be an external examiner appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate, who shall not be a teacher.
3. The Vice-Chancellor may in his absolute discretion appoint an examiner or, as the case may be, an external examiner for any examination whenever a vacancy or other emergency requiring such an immediate appointment occurs in relation to that examination.
4. The Registrar shall discharge such duties in respect of examinations as may be delegated to him by the Senate, and he may perform these duties by deputy.
XXX. The Disciplinary Committee
1. In this statute, unless the context otherwise requires —
“Committee” means the Disciplinary Committee appointed under paragraph 2;
“student panel” means the panel appointed under paragraph 4;
“teacher panel” means the panel appointed under paragraph 3.
2. (1) The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of —
(a) 3 members appointed by the Registrar out of a teacher panel who have accepted appointment to serve on the Committee; and
(b) 2 students appointed by the Registrar out of a student panel who have accepted appointment to serve on the Committee.
(2) The Registrar is to make appointments to the Committee in accordance with the procedure for compiling the Disciplinary Committee as approved by the Senate.
(3) If the Registrar does not receive sufficient acceptances of appointment to enable him to appoint a full Committee and subject to the power of the Senate to fill vacancies as provided in paragraph 3(3), the Chancellor shall fill vacancies in the Committee from members of the University as defined in Statute IV.
3. (1) The teacher panel consists of 30 teachers (not being students) appointed by the Senate.
(2) Each member of the teacher panel shall be appointed for a term of 1 year beginning on 1 July and terminating on 30 June in the following year or upon conclusion of a case upon which he may be then engaged with the Committee, whichever shall last occur, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(3) If the Registrar fails to make any appointment from the teacher panel as required under paragraph 2(1)(a) such vacancy may be filled by the Senate by appointing a person from the Senate or from amongst the teachers as defined in section 12(9) of the Ordinance and Statute XII.
(4) Neither the Vice-Chancellor nor the Dean of Student Affairs shall be eligible for appointment to the teacher panel or as a member of the Committee under the provisions of subparagraph (1) or (3) of paragraph 2 or subparagraph (3) of this paragraph.
4. (1) The student panel consists of 30 students appointed by the Senate.
(2) Each member of the student panel shall be appointed for a term of 1 year beginning on 1 July and terminating on 30 June in the following year or upon conclusion of a case upon which he may then be engaged with the Committee, whichever shall last occur, and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(3) For the purposes of appointment to the student panel and proceedings before the Committee “student” shall not include a teacher or a full-time employee of the University.
(4) [Repealed]
5. The Registrar shall before 1 July of each year publish a list of the members of the Committee within their respective panels.
6. The Chairman of the Committee must be a member of the teacher panel appointed in accordance with the procedure for compiling the Disciplinary Committee as approved by the Senate.
7. (1) The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Committee but shall not be a member thereof.
(2) The Registrar may exercise his functions as secretary of the Committee by deputy.
8. At every meeting of the Committee involving consideration of a charge against a student there shall be present a solicitor appointed by the University who shall act as legal adviser to but not as a member of the Committee.
9. (1) 3 members of the Committee shall form a quorum. If at any time during the hearing of a case involving a charge against a student there are less than 3 members of the Committee present then the proceedings in that case shall stand adjourned.
(2) Any member of the Committee who is absent for any part of the hearing of a case involving a charge against a student shall cease to be a member of the Committee for the purpose of that case.
10. (1) If at any time before the hearing of a case involving a charge against a student it is decided by the Committee that a member of the Committee has a direct personal interest in the case which gives rise to a real danger of injustice, such member shall cease to be a member and the Registrar shall appoint a new member to the Committee in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2(1).
(2) If at any time during the proceedings in respect of any case involving a charge against a student it is decided by the Committee that a member of the Committee has a direct personal interest in the case which gives rise to a real danger of injustice, such member shall withdraw from the proceedings and shall cease to be a member of the Committee for the purposes of that case and shall not be a party to any decision subsequently made in respect of it.
(3) If at any time it appears to a member of the Committee that he has a direct personal interest in a case about to be brought before the Committee or being heard before the Committee, such member shall declare his interest to the Committee which shall decide whether or not such member shall withdraw under subparagraph (1) or (2).
(4) Notwithstanding paragraph 11 —
(a) a decision as to the withdrawal of a member under this paragraph shall be made by a majority of the members of the Committee who are present and voting other than the member whose personal interest in the case is in question; and
(b) in the event of an equality of votes the decision of the Committee shall be deemed to be that the member shall withdraw.
(5) [Repealed]
(6) Where the withdrawal of a member has been ordered under this paragraph, the Committee shall forthwith determine whether it shall continue the current proceedings without that member or abandon the same and order a new hearing by the Committee in which the member so withdrawn shall not be a member.
11. Decisions of the Committee shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his original vote except in the case of a verdict of guilty or not guilty. Where an equality of votes occurs in relation to any such verdict upon a student a verdict of not guilty shall be recorded.
XXXI. Powers of the Disciplinary Committee
1. In this statute, unless the context otherwise requires, “Committee” means the Disciplinary Committee appointed under paragraph 2 of Statute XXX.
2. (1) The Committee shall investigate and make findings upon any complaint ordered to be brought before it by the Vice-Chancellor against a student who is alleged to have committed any of the following —
(a) an offence for which the student has been convicted in any court of law;
(b) assault or battery against the person of any officer, member, employee or student of the University;
(c) defamation of any officer, member, employee or student of the University;
(d) wilful damage to or defacement of any property of any officer, member, employee or student of the University;
(e) wilful damage to or defacement of any property of the University or of approved halls and other accommodation approved for the residence of students, or use or occupation of the same otherwise than in accordance with the rules or other provision made therefor by the appropriate University authority;
(f) theft, fraud, misapplication of University funds or property of any kind;
(g) an offence in connection with degree, diploma, or certificate examinations, including violation of any of the regulations of the Senate governing conduct at examinations or otherwise;
(h) falsification or serious misuse of University documents or records or both, including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) certificates in connection with degrees and other academic distinctions;
(i) false pretences, misrepresentation, fraud or personation of others, within or without the University, in connection with academic attainments or financial awards, or otherwise in connection with the University;
(j) refusal or failure to comply with any order of the Vice-Chancellor, or his representative, prohibiting any conduct which he has reasonable cause to believe is likely —
(i) to disrupt teaching, study, research or the administration of the University; or
(ii) to obstruct any officer or employee of the University in the performance of his duties;
(iii) to bring the University into disrepute;
(k) refusal or failure to attend upon or comply with any summons before or order of or decision made by the Committee or by the Vice-Chancellor in exercise of his disciplinary powers or by the Council;
(l) refusal or failure to comply with any order of any officer or teacher prohibiting conduct which he is reasonably satisfied —
(i) is disrupting teaching, study, research or the administration of the University; or
(ii) is obstructing any officer or employee of the University in the performance of his duties;
(iii) is bringing the University into disrepute;
(m) refusal or failure to comply with any reasonable order of the warden of a hall relating to regulations governing residence made by the Senate or individual hall rules made in pursuance of such regulations;
(n) maliciously and without reasonable cause laying a complaint against any officer, member, or employee of the University;
(o) ragging; without prejudice to the generality of the term, “ragging” shall include conduct intended —
(i) to humiliate another student or hold him up to ridicule; or
(ii) to interfere with the peaceable enjoyment by another student of his privileges, benefits, rights or facilities.
(2) A complaint shall be addressed in writing to the Registrar and shall be considered to have been made when it is received by the Registrar. The Registrar shall inform the Vice-Chancellor within 7 days of the complaint, and the Vice-Chancellor shall then decide within 28 days whether a charge is to be brought against the student before the Disciplinary Committee.
(3) No charge shall be brought before the Committee unless the complaint leading to the charge is made within 1 month of the time when the matter of such complaint arose:
Provided that if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Committee that the material facts relating to the complaint were or included facts of a decisive character which were at all times outside the knowledge (actual or constructive) of the complainant until a date which was after the end of the period of 1 month referred above, a charge may be brought before the Committee notwithstanding the expiry of the said period of 1 month.
3. The Council shall have power to provide for and regulate —
(a) the procedure to be followed in making appointments to the Committee and in connection with meetings of the Committee; and
(b) the conduct of all persons at any meeting of the Committee.
4. (1) The Committee may order the imposition upon any student found to be guilty of any of the offences specified in paragraph 2 any of the following penalties —
(a) reprimand:
Provided that such reprimand shall form part of such student’s official record for the remainder of his or her studies in the curriculum concerned;
(b) fine (maximum to be determined from time to time by the Council);
(c) withdrawal of any academic or other University privilege, benefit, right or facility other than the right to follow courses of instruction and present himself for examinations;
(d) suspension; or
(e) expulsion from the University,
and where applicable may require such student to make good any damage to property or premises caused by him:
Provided that where the Committee is satisfied that any damage to or defacement of property was accidentally caused it shall not impose any penalty on the student responsible for such damage to or defacement of property, but may require such student to make good the damage or defacement accidentally caused.
(1A) The Committee in addition to or as an alternative to imposing any of the penalties set out in subparagraph (1) may report to the Council and the Senate the offence of which the student has been found guilty where such offence falls within the provisions of paragraph 2(1)(g), (h) or (i) and has been committed in connection with a degree or other academic distinction conferred upon the student and the Council and the Senate may if they think fit, recommend to the Chancellor the deprivation of any degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction conferred upon such person.
(1B) Where a student has been found guilty of an offence which falls within the provisions of paragraph 2(1)(g), the Committee shall report such offence to the examiners appointed under Statute XXIX for the relevant examination who may then take such action within their competence as they consider appropriate.
(2) In this paragraph “suspension” means the withdrawal of all academic or other University privileges, benefits, rights and facilities and during the period of suspension the student shall not be entitled to enter or remain on any property or premises of the University:
Provided that the Committee may in its discretion and taking into account the length of the period of suspension permit the student to remain eligible for the benefits of the University Health Service and the Personal Development and Counselling Centre.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor may at any time permit any student in respect of whom a penalty of suspension or withdrawal has been imposed to enter and remain on the property or premises of the University for such purposes as may be specified by the Vice-Chancellor in writing in letter addressed to the student.
(4) Where under this paragraph or paragraph 8 a student is suspended, his entitlement to take any examination shall be determined according to the regulations made by the Senate governing the conditions for the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other marks of distinction, and governing courses of study and examinations.
(5) Where the Committee orders the imposition of any penalty the operation of any such order shall be suspended until expiration of 14 days after the day on which such order was made or such longer period as may be permitted by the Committee or by the Registrar for giving notice of appeal under paragraph 7. Where notice of appeal is given the operation of any such order shall be further suspended until the determination of the appeal.
5. Where it is alleged that a student has been convicted of an offence by a court of law the Committee shall confine its proceedings to —
(a) hearing evidence in proof of conviction;
(b) hearing evidence as to the sentence imposed by the court;
(c) hearing evidence given in mitigation of any penalty which may be imposed by the Committee; and
(d) the imposition, if it thinks fit, of any penalty which it is empowered to impose under paragraph 4 (except a fine where a fine has already been imposed by a court of law):
Provided that no penalty of withdrawal, suspension or expulsion shall be imposed unless it is satisfied that the continued presence of that student in the University or his continued enjoyment of any or all of its privileges, benefits, rights or facilities would be detrimental to the well-being of the University.
6. The Committee may summon before it for the purpose of giving evidence at any hearing any student, teacher or employee of the University. Any failure to attend upon such summons by a student may be treated as an offence under paragraph 2(1)(k) and any such failure by a teacher or employee of the University may be referred by the Committee to the Council for further action.
7. (1) A right of appeal against any finding of or penalty imposed by the Committee shall lie within 14 days to the Council:
Provided that the University shall have no such right of appeal.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (1), where the Committee has imposed a fine and where for the same offence a fine has subsequently been imposed by a court of law, a right of appeal for a remission of the fine imposed by the Committee in whole or in part shall lie to the Council within 30 days from the date of the imposition of the fine by the court.
8. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4(4), pending the findings of the Committee concerning any complaint or pending an appeal to the Council against any finding of or penalty imposed by the Committee the Vice-Chancellor may, where he is satisfied that it is absolutely necessary for the protection of the members or the proper functioning of the University, temporarily withhold any privilege, benefit, right or facility from the student against whom the complaint has been brought or who has appealed to the Council; and this temporary withholding shall lapse 30 days after the order for it has been made unless the Vice-Chancellor specifically renews it for a further period; every period renewed by the Vice-Chancellor shall lapse 30 days after its date of renewal unless specifically further renewed:
Provided that pending appeal to the Council the Vice-Chancellor shall not exercise his power of withholding unless the Committee has imposed a like penalty of withdrawal.
(2) Any period of temporary withholding imposed by the Vice-Chancellor under this paragraph shall be taken into account by the Committee in exercising its powers under paragraph 4 and by the Council in exercising its powers to review penalties on appeal. Any period of withdrawal imposed by the Committee or by the Council shall be deemed to include any period of temporary withholding imposed by the Vice-Chancellor under this paragraph.
9. The commencement or non-commencement of civil or criminal proceedings against a student shall not prejudice, preclude or in any way restrict the powers of the Committee under this statute in so far as the same may be practicable.
10. The proceedings of the Committee shall be conducted in camera. While the Committee considers its decision on any case before it the student and his representative and the University’s representative shall withdraw but shall thereafter return to hear the decision.
11. (1) The findings of the Committee shall be posted on such notice-boards as may be specified by the Registrar, but a finding of “guilty” shall not be posted unless the time for appeal specified in paragraph 7(1) has elapsed and no appeal has been made to the Council.
(2) For the purpose of this paragraph “findings” shall include the name of the student against whom the complaint was made, the nature of the offence complained of, the provision of the statute under which the complaint was brought, the decision of the Committee on the complaint, and the penalty, if any, imposed by the Committee.
12. The Committee may exercise all or any of the powers conferred under this statute notwithstanding that the person against whom a complaint has been made had ceased to be a student at the time of the complaint or at the time of the hearing by the Committee of the charge or at the time when the Committee makes its findings on the charge.
In accordance with Section 7(1) of Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1), words and expressions importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders.
Last updated on December 23, 2024